Friday 12 June 2015

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) in Children

We see many children that are usually distracted and face difficulty to focus on one thing. Such youngsters forget the things and do not pay attention to anyone. It is very difficult for them to complete any task as they become habitual of switching over to other tasks that seem to be more pleasant. These children suffer from ADD, i.e. Attention Deficit Disorder that usually continues in the adulthood too. This serious problem leads to delay in maturity of the brain.  Candidly, such children are quite different from the normal youngsters.

Symptoms of ADD – Children affected with this disorder are seen with the following symptoms:
  1. Confusion, daydreaming and slow movements.
  2. Inability to process the information in usual manners.
  3. Difficulty in following instructions and completing the task.
  4. Problems in focusing on anything.
  5. Forgetfulness, easy distraction and boredom in any task.
  6. Inattentiveness and difficulty to complete the homework.
  7. Talk without break and squirm in the seats.
  8. Keep on moving constantly.
  9. Impatience.
  10. Irresponsible actions without the fear of consequences.
  11. Create interruptions in others’ conversations and activities.
Causes of ADD – Though nothing is certain about the exact reasons of this problem, yet it is suggested that genes are more responsible for it. Researchers are of the view that brain injuries, environmental factors, deficiencies in nutrition or social environment may also be behind Attention Deficit Disorder in the children.
Genes may run in families and the children may develop ADD from their parents. Environmental factors are also responsible for ADD.  Use of alcohol and tobacco by the mothers during pregnancy may also cause this problem. Children affected with brain injuries may also fall victim to ADD. Food additives, artificial flavors, food dyes or preservatives could also be behind this problem.

Diagnosis - Pediatricians and mental health specialists may diagnose ADD by going into the root causes. They usually check whether the child has problems linked with other medical conditions. Disorders related to their hearing, vision, behavior, thinking, learning abilities, depression, anxiety, psychiatric problems and other such factors are assessed by them. Some of the ADD children might have been affected due to family related circumstances including sudden death of a family member, loss of job of the parents or their divorce etc. School performances and the medical history of the concerned children are also checked by the specialists. Everything related to the child’s irresponsible behavior and activities is considered by the doctors who gather the information from his parents, family doctors and school authorities.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Pitta Dosha

Human body is governed by and composed of the same elements that are found in the nature. There are five main elements including earth, water, fire, sky and air. All these are the main structural and functional units of this universe as well as human body. An apt balance amid these body energies is quite essential in order to promote and support normal body functions and its overall good health. At the same time, it is also true that proportion of these elements in human body is also determined by the foods we eat and other internal as well as external factors. These elements combined are known as doshas in the human body as per ayurvedic texts.  Since these doshas are present in different people differently therefore different people have different natures and physical as well as mental traits.

The three doshas that are formed as a result of different combinations of five elements in the human body are vata, pitta and kapha dosha. Out of these, the Pitta dosha is a symbol of fire and water elements in the human body. It is responsible for controlling the hormonal system in the body. Additionally, digestive system is also controlled by this dosha.   People who have dominant pitta dosha may suffer from negative emotions and feelings. These may include stress, depression, anger and such other feelings that have a negative impact on the overall physical as well as mental health of a person.

As far as physical appearance of people with dominance of Pitta dosha is concerned, they have a moderately sized body. Even the level of physical activity of such people is moderate. Although such people are quite ambitious and may have a strong will-power however such people are prone to suffer from short-temperedness, aggressiveness and irritable behavior. It is all due to stress that is triggered by the pitta dosha.  
Due to dominance of fire element in the bodies of such people, they show intolerance towards heat and sun. That is why such people suffer from skin ailments and sunburns more often if exposed to high temperatures or other harsh climatic conditions.

Monday 13 April 2015

Tips to treat sleep disorder the herbal or natural way

It is an evident fact that body of any living being needs to take proper and apt rest and sleep so as to promote its overall health. It is because cells and tissues of various body parts and organs are regenerated and rejuvenated during sleep which in turn ensures normal and most optimal functions related to different body parts. But some people suffer from the problem of lack of sleep. Medically, this condition is known as insomnia. It is characterized by difficulty in sleeping in routine life. Most people opt for sleeping pills so as to induce sleep. However it is not at all recommendable by the healthcare experts. It is due to numerous side-effects associated with the use of these pills. Still there is a natural and safe way to induce sleep naturally in such people.

Here are some tips for the same.

  1. You must ensure that you don’t sleep completely on an empty stomach as it also interferes with sleep. Eat something light so as to ensure you get unobstructed sleep.
  2. Regular exercise is another effective way of inducing sleep in an apt and hassle-free manner. You must essentially carry out moderate exercises for at least half an hour daily so as to induce sleep naturally.
  3. Go to sleep approximately same time every day. It helps in making your body habitual of this routine and you can fall asleep easily and comfortably once you are in bed.
  4. Avoid daytime sleep as it is also known to cause problems in sleeping at night.
  5. Sleep in a dark room as some people are not able to sleep properly in lights.
  6. Avoid or reduce intake of caffeinated drinks as it also interferes with normal sleeping patterns.
  7. You must use such a mattress for sleeping that is neither too soft nor too hard.
  8. Yoga and meditation on regular basis helps in inducing sound sleep in the practitioners.
  9. People who suffer from insomnia are advised to give up alcohol as it is also one of the major obstructions in sleeping.
  10. Taking shower or bath two hours before bed time also helps in making you relaxed and getting rid of the physical as well as mental exhaustion so that you may sleep soundly.
  11. Hot milk before bedtime also proves to be a very good remedy for those who find problems in sleeping. Addition of honey to the milk enhances this effect even more.
  12. Use of certain herbs such as dogwood, hops, California poppy, Jamaica, passionflower, Valerian etc. help in promoting natural sleep in a person. Instead of using sleeping pills or other medicines, it is best to use such herbs attributed to the fact that no harm or side-effects are caused on the body due to use of these herbs. Herbs such as chamomile and balm are known to have sedative effect on the body and mind.
Similarly, Valerian is also another effective herb that can be used to induce sleep in those who suffer from sleep disorder or insomnia. It is due to presence of multiple medicinal properties and compounds in this herb. 

Monday 30 March 2015

Reasons and symptoms for Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is also a sub-type of diabetes or high blood sugar. Although the exact or particular reason for occurrence of type 1 diabetes is not known however it is believed to be caused due to autoimmune action of the immune system. Under this condition, the immune system attacks certain cells in the body which in turn leads to deficiency of insulin hormone in the body. As a result, the sugar or glucose present in the blood is not converted into energy completely which in turn starts showing various signs and signals of this condition. This condition mainly arises because cells responsible for producing insulin which are called as beta cells are destroyed by the own body cells. Apart from this, there are some other risk factors as well that may trigger this condition.

Causes or risk factors for Type 1 diabetes
  • Age is one of the crucial factors in occurrence of diabetes. As per medical science, Type1 diabetes may occur at any age however it is prominently noticeable in small children aged amid 4 and 7 years as well as in children amid 10 and 14 years of age.
  • Some specific genes are also known to increase the risk for causing Type 1 diabetes.
  • Similarly, family history of the diseases also increases the risk of occurrence of diabetes in close blood relations.
  • Geographical location also plays an important role as far as occurrence of Type 1 diabetes is concerned. This condition has a tendency to increase in people living or travelling away from the equator.
  • Low levels of Vitamin D in the body may also increase chances for occurrence of Type of diabetes.
  • Early exposure to cow’s milk is also a triggering factor for this type of diabetic condition.
  • Consumption of water which is contaminated with nitrates is also known to trigger this condition.
  • Children who are born from mothers who suffer from preeclampsia during pregnancy are also at high risk of suffering from this condition.
  • People who are exposed to various viruses including mumps virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus and Coxsackie virus may also develop this type of diabetes.
  • Introduction of cereal and gluten in the diet of a baby before 4 months or after 7 months also increases the chances of occurrence of this condition.
  • Children who are born with jaundice may also develop Type 1 diabetes during later life.
Signs and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes
Various signs and symptoms that are experienced by the sufferer are as mentioned below.
  • Weakness
  • Constant feeling of fatigue and exhaustion
  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Sudden or unexpected weight loss
  • Increased hunger
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Irritable behaviour or mood swings
  • Vaginal yeast infection in women
  • Bedwetting in children who didn’t wet the bed earlier
  • Dryness of mouth
  • Feeling of nausea accompanied by occasional vomiting
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Frequent or recurring skin and urinary tract infections
  • Fruity smell in the breath
  • Trembling of the body
  • State of confusion in some cases
  • Loss of consciousness in some cases

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Tips to get rid of acne

Among large numbers of skin problems that are faced by people and especially youngsters in routine life, acne and pimples are also commonly faced by all. It is due to hormonal imbalance, over-activity of sebaceous glands, excessive exposure to chemicals, dust, dirt and other pollutants, excessive use of cosmetics or other beauty care products and many more. Whatever the reason may be acne is definitely a worrisome skin problem for anyone. It is because acne and pimples interfere with the overall beauty of the face and hence interferes with the outer looks of the sufferer.

Almost all people try different types of products, medicines or such other methods available in the market but these are not effective enough to offer permanent and safe relief from these conditions. But there is no need to worry as there are some natural ways to get rid of acne. You just need to pay attention to some points regarding your diet, lifestyle as well as some other points to prevent occurrence of acne.

Proper and deep skin cleansing- You must take proper care of the hygiene of your skin. Use an herbal or natural skin cleanser for this purpose so as to clear its deep layers of all the impurities, dust, dirt and other harmful agents. It helps in clearing away excess of oils as well which in turn removes acne naturally.

Keep skin moisturized- Apart from removal and control of excessive oils from the skin, it is also important to take care that the skin is not dried and devoid of its natural moisture. For this, excessive and frequent washing of the skin should be avoided. At the same time, use some good quality moisturizers to keep skin properly moisturized.

Avoid greasy and fried foods- In order to prevent and further aggravate acne on your skin, you need to pay attention to your diet as well. You must avoid fatty, oily, greasy and heavy foods as all these give rise to occurrence of acne on the skin.

Home remedies for acne

Apart from above-mentioned points, you may also try some home remedies for acne treatment.
  • Apply a mixture of lemon juice and groundnut oil on your face so as to clear away blackheads from it which in turn treats as well as prevents occurrence of acne on your skin.
  • You may consider applying a mixture of cinnamon powder and honey on the affected areas of your skin at night. Let it remain on your face for an overnight followed by washing in the morning with lukewarm water.
  • Alternatively, tomato juice may also be applied on the skin which is affected by acne. It helps in controlling secretion of excessive oils from the skin which in turn prevents occurrence of acne as well.
  • You may rub raw garlic over the affected areas of the skin so as to get rid of acne immediately. Even you may prepare a paste of garlic and curd and apply the same on the spots of acne so as to get rid of the same.